The Quad Blaster

the quad blaster gives u the worst burn there is. it's just eeevil. can't wait till my next leg day...Check it out

Flex Wheeler

Flex Wheeler Stats

Name: Ken "Flex" Wheeler
Height: 5'9"
Off Season Weight: Around 247lbs.
Competition Weight: Around 232 lbs.
Arms: 22"

Flex Wheeler Tan, Tested & Clean

When FLEX WHEELER announced his return to bodybuilding after a short retirement, he claimed that he would compete in the 2002 Mr. Olympia clean. To the uninitiated, that means absolutely no steroids or performance-enhancing pharmaceuticals as part of his pre-Olympia regimen. The reaction to his announcement? Laughter, disbelief, derision.

Stop laughing. The always-controversial Wheeler has put his bodily fluids where his mouth is -- although not literally, we hope. According to VICTOR CONTE, head of Balco Labs and the creator of superstar supplement ZMA, Wheeler has submitted to urine and blood analyses and has been judged spick-and-span.

It really does seem his biochemical profile is consistent with someone who has not used steroids. Said Conte, who spoke with us on October 15, "His samples have been tested by reputable laboratories and have satisfied the chain-of-custody requirements."

Having recently rubbed elbows with Wheeler, FLEX Editor-in-Chief PETER McGOUGH was impressed by the 36-year-old star's phenomenal physique: full, hard and cut, with all of Flex's trademark shapes and muscle bellies. McGough also noted Wheeler's healthy overall appearance and calm assured demeanor. "His joints are actually smaller," said McGough. "He looked better than he has in years."

How To Get Shredded Fast

As advanced bodybuilders approach a bodybuilding competition, cardio becomes more and more important. While there are always those blessed with spectacular genetics that don't need to do any cardio, they are few and far between. The rest of us require 30 to 90 minutes, 5 or 6 days per week, in order to shed enough body fat for our muscles to look their best onstage. Calories can only be dropped so far if you wish to retain muscle mass. Supplements such as ECA (ephedrine/caffeine/aspirin stacks) help as well. But when it comes down to it, cardio is what sheds the body fat.

Cardio should be completed first thing in the morning, for up to 45 minutes. Doing it BEFORE eating any food will ensure the body uses stored body fat, not food in the body, for energy. Cardio should be performed at a moderate rate, limited to 70% heart rate capacity at the very highest. The bodybuilders should do up to 45 minutes of cardio maximum. After that, the body begins using muscle stores for energy, and the exercise quickly becomes very counterproductive. Remember - when the clock hits 45 minutes, walk away from the machine!

For those with slower metabolisms and higher bodyweights, a second round of cardio training might be required in the afternoon or evening, directly following training. This cardio session can last up to one hour. As it is done upon the completion of weight training, the body has likely utilized any food present during the weight training session. At this point, as no food is available, the body will use stored body fat for energy during this cardio session.

Advanced bodybuilders often engage in split weight training session as well. For example, the bodybuilder will train chest in the AM, then triceps in the PM. This kind of training allows the athlete to better isolate body parts and give each body part a better workout. At the same time, however, it does interfere with multiple cardio sessions. It's very hard for the body to recover from two weight sessions and two cardio sessions in the same day. Bodybuilders in pre-contest mode would be best served by limiting weight-training sessions to one daily, when engaging in multiple daily cardio sessions.

Monster Vs DVD

Monster VS is a bodybuilding DVD in which Robster Le Monster trains with top 8 top UK bodybuilders in their style of training.

Bodybuilders featured in this DVD: IFBB pro Shaun Tavernier, Darren Nicolhurst, Bobby Khan, Darren Ball, Neale Cranwell, Serge Camarou, Rob Reinaldo and Ricardo Carreia.
Over 4 and a half hours of footage on 2 DVDs.

Available now at for £9.99

Mass Gain Workout

This routine is a great routine for a more advanced trainer looking to bulk up during the coming winter months. it basically is a 3 day split done over 5 days per week. its slightly complicated so i’ll do my best to explain it now:

workout 1 – chest and triceps
workout 2 – back and shoulders
workout 3 – legs and biceps

The training week will look like this:

monday – W1
tuesday – W2
wednesday off
thursday – W3
Friday – W1
saturday – W2
sunday off
monday – W3
tuesday – W1
……………………….. and so on following that pattern

Wednesday and sunday are rest days. this allows for bodyparts to be trained twice per week. every 3 weeks one of the workouts will only be trained once. as you can see on week 2 W3 will be trained twice but W2 will be only trained once. this allows for maximum muscle stimulation twice per week (every 4 days). this will allow for maximum recovery but muscle stimulus more regularly. if you train a muscle group on a monday, by thursday it will normally be fine to train again, but you dont, you leave it fully recovered and doing nothing for another 4 days. whats the point. that muscle could be growing in those 4 days but its not as its had no stimulus. This plan is the perfect combat to that.

so the workouts must tie in the bodyparts. normally if training a bodypart once per week i would do maybe 5 exercises of 3 sets per bodypart. due to training each part every 4 days this is not necessary. the workout will be as follows:

W1: chest and triceps
flat bench press – 5 x 5
incline dumbell press 3 x 8
cable flyes – 3 x 8
weighted dips – 5 x 5
cable pushdowns – 3 x 8

W2: Back and shoulders
Barbell row – 5 x 5
Chins – 4 x 8
heavy shrugs – 3 x 8
standing barbell press – 5 x 5
heavy lateral raise – 3 x 8

W3: legs and biceps
squats – 5 x 5
smith machine lunges – 3 x 8
leg extensions – 3 x 8
standing barbell curls – 5 x 5
seated hammer curls – 3 x 8

calfs, abs and forearms (if you wish) can be added onto the end of the workout of your choice. i Aim to do calfs twice per week so generally do them on a monday and thursday regardless of what workout falls on that day.

Weights will not be increased each set but rather a weight will be chosen (for example 100kg on bench press), then when 5 sets of 5 reps can be achieved you will increase the weight. then if you fail at say 3 reps on the final set you will stick at that weight until the full 5 x 5 is accomplished. no spotting should be required on any set excpet the last one as you want to be making sure you are doing the reps yourself.

I recommend changing the exercises every 6 weeks but keep the principles the same and keep them heavy compound. for example you could replace squats with hack squats and do deadlifts on back day. You may swap flat bench to incline barbell bench on chest etc.

This routine is fantastic for building overall strength and when combined with a high calorie diet will really help you add some solid pounds over the winter months.